Dragonfly Close Up | Wall Art
Dragonflies in the Haliburton Highlands
Dragonflies have beautiful colors and can fly with a great deal of precision. This interesting flying insect let me get close enough to see many details, all the way down to the “eyelets” that make up its eyes.
What about this picture do I like? The amount of information, of course. The background is entirely out of focus, which makes the Dragonfly stand out.
About Dragonflies
A dragonfly has big eyes, many different parts, two strong pairs of transparent wings, and a long body. Dragonflies are similar to damselflies, but when the adults are at rest, their wings are usually held away from their bodies and perpendicular to them. Even though dragonflies have six legs, like other insects, they can’t walk.
Dragonflies are important predators because they eat mosquitoes and other small insects like flies, bees, ants, and butterflies. Their larvae, called “nymphs,” live in water, so they tend to live near lakes, ponds, streams, and wetlands.
© Dan Kosmayer, 2011